About the Yarmouth Comprehensive Plan Update

A comprehensive plan is a document with a long-range view that guides municipal policy, growth, and investment over the next 10-20 years.

The planning process incorporates a community’s vision and values, along with the latest data on topics including housing, transportation, recreation, economy, historic resources, and fiscal health.

In Maine, having a state-certified comprehensive plan is a requirement to apply for many state grant and loan programs, and allows a municipality to enact certain types of local regulation.

Yarmouth’s most recent comprehensive plan was adopted in 2010. In 2022, the town underwent a community engagement process, Imagine Yarmouth, to develop a new vision statement. Now, the town is embarking on a full comprehensive plan update.

Integrating the Climate Action Plan in the Comprehensive Plan

In February 2022, Yarmouth passed a Climate Emergency Resolution which directed the formation of a Climate Action Task Force, described the scale and scope of climate challenges, and outlined municipal and community-wide emissions goals. The Town is now working on our first Climate Action Plan. The Climate Action Plan will be reflected in the updated Comprehensive Plan through goals, policies, and strategies that highlight the community’s commitment to sustainability and resilience. More information about the Climate Action Plan can be found at yarmouthclimateaction.org.

Plan Yarmouth Timeline

Spring 2023: Inventory & Analysis

  • Town staff and the consulting team will collect and analyze data for the Comprehensive Plan’s inventory chapters, which give an overview of existing conditions in topics including population, housing, transportation, natural resources, and recreation. The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee will share input and review the chapters.

  • Public Participation: The What We’ve Learned: Data Highlights Workshop will be held on June 12, 2023 where we’ll share the key takeaways and highlights from the inventory chapters for your feedback.

Summer 2023: Vision & Values

  • Based on community feedback, stakeholder interviews, and the data analysis, we’ll work on the town’s Vision Statement and goals.

  • The Committee, town staff, and the consulting team will craft a list of policies and strategies to help implement the goals and vision.

  • Public Participation: Throughout the summer, we’ll hold pop-up events and deep-dive listening sessions on different topic areas.

Fall 2023: Future Land Use

  • Town staff, committee members, and the consulting team will develop future land use scenarios that guide what parts of Yarmouth should be preserved or protected, and how to handle development pressure, change, and growth in other areas of town.

  • Work on the goals, policies, strategies, and implementation plan will continue.

  • Public Participation: A Future Land Use Scenarios Workshop with in-person and online options will offer opportunities for the public to share ideas and help guide how change and development should occur in Yarmouth.

Winter 2023/2024: Plan Drafting & Adoption

  • Inventory chapters will be updated, and a first draft of the full Comprehensive Plan Update will be completed.

  • Public Participation: A Draft Plan Open House will share the full Plan with the Yarmouth community and allow for review, revisions, and feedback.

  • The Final Draft will be reviewed and adopted by Yarmouth’s Town Council, and submitted to the State.

Project Team

Town of Yarmouth Staff

Nathaniel Tupper, Town Manager
Erin Zwirko, Director of Planning and Development
Julie Dubovsky, Assistant Planner
Scott LaFlamme, Economic Development Director

Project Consultants

Yarmouth has contracted North Star Planning, a Maine-based planning firm, to develop the updated comprehensive plan, including data collection, public workshop facilitation, project management, and creating a final plan document. Additional subject experts from Levine Planning Strategies, FB Environmental, and Camoin Associates will provide key contributions, with design and imaging support from Aceto Landscape Architecture.